Verificación de firma electrónica IvVerify


  • The signature verification service based on the IvSign tool is open and totally free of charge.
  • Check the legal validity of the documents you receive signed through the time stamp.
  • Make sure that the documents have been signed correctly, that is, by a Qualified Authority, with the type of certificate suitable for the procedure in question and that it is currently valid.



Access to a user-friendly platform with free access.


Upload the file and get the results in a few seconds.


It analyses the integrity of the firms used to close contracts with clients, suppliers…

Qualified signature

Check that the digital certificate is valid and suitable for the transaction.


Do it from any mobile device (computer, tablet, mobile).


Avoid fraud and don’t run the risk of having undefended documents in case of litigation.

Trust Ivnosys as a Qualified Trust Service Provider according to the Regulation (EU) Nº910/2014 (eIDAS). Our solutions comply with the highest security standards.

How IvVerify works

Video identificacion

1st step

Access to IvVerify

Video identificacion

2nd step

Select the document

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3rd step

Indicate if you want to download:

  • The document with a verification strip.
  • The detailed report with the verification report.
Video identificacion

4th step

Get your analysis instantly

News related to IvVerify

IvVerify, la nueva herramienta de verificación de firmas

IvVerify, the new signature verification tool



Ley 39/2015, ¿qué es y cómo me afecta?

What is time stamping?



¿Qué son las notificaciones electrónicas?

eIDAS Regulation: the security of electronic signatures



Would you like to receive more information about document verification with IvVerify? Contact us

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